Well come all who come in peace. We honor this September full moon, which in many locales in the northern hemisphere could be regarded as a season of fullness, accomplishment and 2cnd harvest bounty. In many lands currently known today as Western Europe, its celebrating expression is called Mabon. In Hawaiian culture a wonderFuLL celebration named Ho’olaule’a.
Many folks around this wonderFuLL mother earth, honor and celebrate our relations, living in active relationship with the land, waters and skies bounty, in many ways… with various traditions. We’re thankFuLL to share time together offering gratitude and kindness as one..

We gather Tuesday, September 17th at 630pm sharing a potluck meal together in the peace pavilion/guesthouse with our procession to the Temple at 730pm. Please bring a water bottle and wear comfortable clothing. Arriving 30mins before the potluck can be a great way to ground and settle in before we begin.

blessings aLLways

Sekhmet Temple
Community and Rev. AM Sharpe