Tuesday May 1st – Beltane Open to all! Potluck in the Guest House from 7 to 8 pm, followed by a dance around the May Pole and a ritual in the Temple.
Saturday May 5th – Full Moon Open to all! Potluck in the Guest House from 7 to 8 pm, followed by ritual in the Temple.
Sunday May 6th – Stone Magick by Jessica Gagich
1pm til 5pm in the Guest House. Introduction to Sympathetic Magick as it applies to semi-precious gem stones.
Participants will learn the beginning principles of Sympathetic Magick, including visualization techniques, color theory and practical application, over the course of 4 hours (with a break in the middle).
Then we will go into how Stones can be used, in bags, jewelry and altar pieces. Their use in conjunction with candles, herbs and oils.
Lastly we’ll go into some of the most popular stones, their ancient folklore and how it differs from modern use, and also in how more modern stones are being used. Class cost is $30, though no one will be turned away for non-payment. Participants will receive as part of the course, a 3 stone talisman, and reference book of stones, along with some other handouts. Please rsvp to 702-569-0630.
Friday May 11th – Film Nite. We will meet at the Yellow House (Casa Del Sol) at 7 pm. Film starts promptly at 7:15. This months showing is, “The Turning Point: A Return To Community,” a positive and inspiring film about our transition to a low carbon future.
Sunday May 20th – Women’s New Moon. We will gather in the Guest House at 7 pm for potluck, followed by ritual in the Temple.