Friday October 4 – March for Elephants – Say NO to Ivory

Location:  Gather on the Las Vegas Blvd sidewalk in front of the Mirage Hotel/Casino.
Time:  March starts at 11:00 am


Saturday October 5 – Women’s Reiki Workshop with Melissa Ameika

Location: Temple Guest House
Time: Noon to 5:00 pm
Cost: Donation

Participants will receive:

  1. The Reiki level 1 attunements
  2. Reiki manual which includes the history of Reiki
  3. Precepts and information on how to practice on yourself.
(Certificates will not be issued for this self-healing class.)
Please call Melissa at  702-596-0673 to register for this event.


Saturday October 5 – Women’s New Moon

Location:  Gather in the Guest House for Potluck, followed by Ritual in the Temple
Time:  Potluck at 7:00 pm, followed by Ritual at 8:00 pm.


Friday October 18 – Feast of  Sekhmet:  A Very Special Full Moon Celebration

Please note time and location changes from our regular schedule:
Location:  We will be set up within the Circle in front of the Temple (weather permitting)
Time:  Food blessing at 7:15 pm, followed by ritual at approximately 7:45, or
once everyone has gotten their food and been seated.


Saturday October 19  – Bone Dance –  All Night Sacred Fire Circle

Location:  Please contact Vegas Vortex for details and to register (free event)
Time: 9:00 pm to Sunrise


Sunday October 27 Inter Faith Fall Forum

Location: Las Vegas Baha’i Center at 7035 Oakey Blvd, Lass Vegas, NV, 89117
Time: 7:00 pm
Priestess Candace Ross is one of the speakers that evening, and would greatly
appreciate the support of the  community.


Thursday October 31 – Samhain – Festival of the Dead

Location:  Potluck in the Guest House followed by ritual in the Temple.
Time:  Potluck at 7:00 pm, followed by ritual at 8:00 pm
Stories and favorite dishes of our departed are encouraged!
There will be an altar set up in the pavilion for you  to light a candle for those
who have passed.  (You are welcome  to bring photos or mementos for the altar
as well, retrieving them before you leave.)  This differs from Halloween.
Samhain is a loving memorial of our departed friends,  family and  ancestors,
when the veil between the worlds is thinnest.