A Pagan couple lived together in a home they had built themselves soon after being handfasted. It was small, but very comfortable. Each morning the couple arose as the first rays of the sun lit the sky, and the rooster announced with delight, the dawn of a new day.
The couple would offer prayers of love and gratitude to the earth as they began their walk to the fields.

On the way they passed a stream, and knelt to drink. As they raised the water to their lips in cupped hands, the Great Goddess spoke to them through the water saying:

“My children! I quench your thirst, and fill your bodies need of liquid.
I become your blood and see that every cell is nourished. I wash you internally and externally, keeping you healthy. I give to you freely and unconditionally. Honor Me, and share Me with all living beings.”

GrainThey continued to the fields to care for their crops. As they tilled, weeded and gathered the fruits of their labor, the Great Goddess spoke to them through the soil saying:

“My children! I give root to the plants that feed you. I am that upon which you and your home stand. At the end of your days, you return to Me for rest. I give to you freely and unconditionally. Honor Me, and share Me with all living things.”

At mid-day the couple stopped work, and sat beneath a shade tree to share their meal. A gentle breeze whisipered through the leaves as they ate, and the Great Goddess spoke through the air saying:

“My children! I cool you in the summer. I bring you rain cradled in my arms. I am the breath within your bodies. I give to you freely and unconditionallly. Honor Me, and share Me with all living things.”

As the sun began to go down, the couple walked back to their home carrying fresh vegetables from their fields. The woman built a fire and began to cook the evening meal. The Great Goddess spoke throught the fire and said:

“My children! I am the light of sun filled days. I warm the earth so your crops will grow. I heat your food and your home. I give to you freely and unconditionally. Honor Me, and share Me with all living things.”

And as the couple lay in each others arms that evening and drifted off to sleep, they whisipered thanks to the Great Goddess for providing earth, water, air and fire, all that they needed for a rich and abundant life, and they promised to always share these gifts with all living beings.

Blessed be.