December 2013 Events at the Temple

Happy Holidays everyone! Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events: Women’s New Moon – Tuesday, December 3rd We will gather in the Guest House for Potluck at 7 pm (please bring a dish to share) followed by a Candle Magick workshop at 8 pm. Full Moon...

Honoring the Unborn

Several years before moving to Nevada, I came across an article written by Wren Farris entitled, “Honoring the Unborn.” I was so moved by what Ms. Farris had to say, I placed the article in one of my many “to do” folders, knowing the Goddess had work for...

September and October 2013 Events at the Temple

SO many great things going on this fall. Please mark your calendars: September Thursday, 9/5:  Women’s New Moon. Potluck at the Guest House at 7:00 pm, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm. Women Only. Thursday, 9/19:  Full Moon.  Potluck at the Guest House...

Egyptian Gardens

Gardens have always been important to witches (a source for medicinal and magickal plants), but up until this week I did not realize the major role they also played in Egypt. In an article called “Witchcraft gardens Goddess gardens,” I learned that the ancient...