2013 Temple Events

All events unless otherwise noted begin with potluck at 7pm, (usually in the Guest House) followed by ritual in the Temple at 8pm January  Friday, 1/11/13:  New Moon (Women Only) Sunday, 1/27/13:  Full Moon (Open to All)  February  Saturday, 2/2/13:  Imbolc (Open to...

November 2012 Events at the Temple

Tuesday, November 13 is Women’s New Moon.  We will be gathering in the Guest House at 7pm for potluck, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8. Wednesday, November 28 is Full Moon, open to all.  We will gather for potluck in the Guest House at 7pm, followed by ritual in...

October 2012 Events At The Temple

So many wonderful events coming up in October! Be sure to mark your calendars: Friday, October 12: Fiesty Feminine Film Night – Episodes 3 and 4 of the Joseph Campbell PBS series, “The Power of Myth.” Shown at the home of Priestess Ross (Casa del...

Free Classes Offered…and…Road Trip!

Hello Family! As we move deeper into the shift, it becomes more and more clear that Gift Economy will be the way of the future. We will relearn what “community” means and how “gifting” our talents to one another rather than...

August 2012 Events at the Sekhmet Temple

There are lots of wonderful events coming up in August: Wednesday, August 1 – Lammas (open to all): Come celebrate First Harvest. Potluck at 7pm in the Guest House, ritual in the Temple at 8pm. If you’d like to help bake bread in the outdoor oven that day,...