by Sekhmet Temple | Jan 4, 2012 | Archives, Blog
Hello Everyone! 2012 is finally here, bringing with it promises of renewal, hope and _______________ (fill in the blank.) Remember the saying,”Today is the first day of the rest of your life.” This New Year, this new day can be the beginning of...
by Sekhmet Temple | Nov 9, 2011 | Archives, Blog
Ming (my live in helper and companion til the end of the year) and I have been making great headway with the pit greenhouse. The southern facing rock wall is going up quickly, and we will be starting on the wooden planter box opposite it very soon. This Thursday,...
by Sekhmet Temple | Aug 22, 2011 | Archives, Blog
Feisty Feminist’s Free-thinking Friday Film Night Beginning September 9th, the Temple will show (either in the Guest House or Casa del Sol) a film on the second Friday of each month, beginning at 7:30 pm. This will be a series of films chosen for their thought...
by Sekhmet Temple | Jul 19, 2011 | Archives, Blog
A Pagan couple lived together in a home they had built themselves soon after being handfasted. It was small, but very comfortable. Each morning the couple arose as the first rays of the sun lit the sky, and the rooster announced with delight, the dawn of a new day....
by Sekhmet Temple | Apr 14, 2011 | Archives, Blog
April Full Moon will be held here Sunday April 17th. We will gather at 7pm, begin ritual at 7:30, followed by potluck (hopefully!) fireside in the social area. Temple Earth Day is Saturday April 23rd from 11am til 5. Call me at 702-569-0630 for full details. Beltane...