by Sekhmet Temple | Apr 4, 2017 | Archives, Blog
Monday, April 10 – Full Moon Celebration (Open to All): Potluck at 7:00 pm in the pavilion, followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm. “Second feast” in the pavilion after ritual, winding up by 10:00 pm The Nevada Desert Experience Peace Walkers...
by Sekhmet Temple | Apr 2, 2017 | Archives, Blog
Monday, May 1, we will be celebrating Beltaine, but this year will be much different than in years past. Temple founder Gen Vaughan is sending a videographer to create a fund raising film that day. We are hoping to get lots of people out to support the Temple and this...
by Sekhmet Temple | Feb 2, 2017 | Archives, Blog
Reminder: Please mark your calendars for these upcoming events: Thursday, February 2: Community Imbolc Celebration (Open to All) Friday, February 10: Community Full Moon Celebration (Open to All) Sunday, February 26: Women’s New Moon Circle (Women Only)...
by Sekhmet Temple | Jan 10, 2017 | Archives, Blog
ANNOUNCEMENT: Many thanks to all who have contact the Temple with interest in getting involved with beekeeping here. Regrettably, one of our two hives collapsed. (The entire colony died.) The other hive swarmed and took up residence elsewhere. Therefore, we no...
by Sekhmet Temple | Dec 1, 2016 | Archives, Blog
Blessings of the Season! Please join us for these upcoming December events: Tuesday, December 13: Full Moon Celebration (Open to All) Potluck in the Pavilion at 7:00 pm,followed by ritual in the Temple at 8:00 pm. There will be a Silent Auction fund raiser from 7:00...