February promises to be another very exciting month at the Temple. Please look thru the list and mark your calendars!

Thursday February 2nd is Imbolc. We will gather at the Guest House for potluck from 7 to 8 pm, followed by ritual in the Temple. Our focus will be on the Goddess Bridget.

Tuesday February 7th, we will celebrate the Full Moon. Potluck in the Guest House from 7 to 8 pm followed by ritual in the Temple.

Friday February 10th is Feisty Feminst Film Nite. Our film this month is “Dialogue in Nigeria”, a documentary made in Jos, Nigeria with two hundred courageous Muslims and Christians coming together and discovering their equal humanity.

Saturday February 11th the Temple will be hosting Vicki Noble at the West Sahara Library from 3 to 5 pm. Admission is on a sliding scale ($10 to $20) and no one will be turned away due to lack of funds.

Sunday February 12th we have an all day “Women Only” event at the Temple with Vicki Noble. This event, called the “Sacred Woman”, a gift from Temple Founder Geneveive Vaughan, (who will also be here) will run from 10 am til 5pm, with lunch provided. Participation to this event is limited. Please call to make a reservation. 702-569-0630

Monday February 13th is the second meeting of the Temple Chanters. We will meet at Nancy’s house (in Las Vegas) at 2pm. Give me a call if you need directions. 702-569-0630

Tuesday February 21st is Women’s New Moon. We will gather in the Guest House for potluck from 6 to 7pm, followed by ritual in the Temple.

In addition to all our regular events in the months to come, we are expecting to offer workshops on stone magick, mask making, incense making, and mosaics. As always if you have a skill or talent you would like to share with our community, please call to discuss!