Upcoming Temple Events January 2020
Full Moon – Friday January 10
We are welcoming in the New Year with a celebration for our Great Mother Goddess Sekhmet!
Potluck at 7 pm, (please bring a dish to share) followed by ritual in the Temple at 8 pm.
New Moon – Friday January 24
Craft night! We will be creating a “Maiden Mother,Crone” altar with collage.
Probably won’t complete the project that night, but will get you off to a great start.
Potluck in the Guest House at 7 pm (please bring a dish to share) followed by crafting
at 8 pm. There will be a $5 material fee requested. Please RSVP so we know how
many boards to prepare by emailing worldpeacevolunteer@yahoo.com
or calling 702-569-0630. Please bring any photos you’d like to use in your collage and
any old magazines you’d like to donate.