Some truly fun and amazing events this month!

Women’s New Moon is Monday, Oct 12
Potluck at 7:00 pm followed by a “Magical Tool Making” class at 8:00 pm!

Full Moon Feast of Sekhmet is Tuesday,  Oct 27
We will gather in the Pavilion where our Feast will be held, with opening blessing at 7:15 pm.  Ritual will also be in the Pavilion, starting at 8:15 pm, with the Temple open all evening for visiting with our Lady.  As in the past, the Temple will provide an Egyptian vegetarian stew, honey cakes and red tea. You may bring whatever you wish for potluck. Traditional Egyptian feast suggestions are lentil or chickpea dishes, nuts, dates and other fruits.

Bone Dance is Friday, Oct 30.
Please contact Vegas Vortex for details.

Samhain is Saturday, Oct 31
This is a lovely sacred celebration of our ancestors. We ask everyone to bring a favorite dish of a loved one who has passed to potluck (in the Pavilion at 7:00 pm) and share their memory with fellow diners.  Ritual in the Temple at 8 pm as well as visits to the ancestor altar where you are invited to light a candle. You are welcome to bring photos or other memorabilia to set on the altar that evening as well.
See you soon!