“Speak my name and I will live.”~The Papyrus of Ani, aka The Book of Coming Forth by Day
The ancient Egyptians believed that there is power in a name. Speaking the names of the Goddess aloud is one of the many ways She is invoked, honored, and awakened in our consciousness. It can be a form of deep meditation, communion and/or offering to Her.
Some names of Sekhmet listed below are from ancient sources, while others have been received by people during during meditation, ceremony, or spontaneous encounters with the Divine at the Temple of Goddess Spirituality. Sekhmet is sometimes called the Goddess of Ten Thousand Names, but only a fraction of them have been recorded, and some may yet be revealed. Listen with your heart, and perhaps She will tell you one of Her names.
Names of Sekhmet
Sekhmet, Great One of Magic
Mother of the Gods
Lady of the House of Books
She Who Walks On Forests of Rose Petals
One Who Was Before The Gods Were
Lady of the Place of the Beginning of Time
Lady of Radiance
Revealer of the Ancient Paths
At Whose Wish The Arts Were Born
Beautiful Eye Which Giveth Life To The 2 Lands
Flaming One
Finder of Ways
Protectress of the gods
Lady of the Scarlet-Colored Garment
Pure One
She of Great Beauty and Hope
Keeper of the Light
Lady of Strong Love
Pre-eminent One in the Boat of the Millions of Years
Roamer of Deserts
Wanderer in the Wastes
Self Contained
Only One
Lady of Enchantments
Opener of Ways
Lady of Transformations
Lady of the Many Faces
Enrapturing One
Giver of Ecstasies
Satisfier of Desires
Inspirer of Human Kind
Victorious One in Battles
Overcomer of All Enemies
Ruler of the Desert
Ruler of Serpents and of Dragons
Ruler of Lions
Complete One
Sublime One
Sparkling One
Great One of Hekau
Lady of the Magic Lamp
Mother of the Dead
She Who Perserveres in Times of Struggles
Lady of the Sacred Flame
Great One of Healing
Destroyer by Fire
Lady of the Waters of Life
Great One in the Places of Judgment and
Guide and Protectress From the Perils of the Underworld
Great One of the Place of Appearances in Silence
Lady of the Way of the Five Bodies
Unrivaled and Invincible One
Ruler of the Chamber of Flames
The Source
She Whose Opportunity Escapeth Her Not
Winged One
Powerful of Heart
The Aware
The Gleaming One
Sekhmet, Who Reduceth to Silence
Sekhmet, Who Rouseth the People
Lady of Jubilation
Adorable One
Shining of Countenance
Mother of Images
Incomparable One
Lady of Intoxications
Mightier Than The Gods
Most Beautiful
Most Strong
Great One of Laws
Protectress of the Divine Order
The One Who Holds Back Darkness
The Beautiful Light
Goddess of Peace
Goddess of Love
Great One in Heaven
Great One of the Incense of the Ennead
Great Lady of the House of Life
Queen of the Venerable Ones
Devouring One
Sekhmet of the Knives
Burner of Evil Doers
One Before Whom Evil Trembles
Terrible One
Lady of All Powers
Eternal One
Lady of the Manifold Adornments
Bountiful One
Sekhmet, Who Gives Joys
Unwavering Loyal One
Drier of Tears
Lady of the Flowers
Guardian of the Gates
Beloved Teacher
Beloved Sekhmet